Beef liver

The benefits of beef liver supplements

Eating liver involves incorporating the organ meat of animals, such as cows, chickens, or lambs, into your diet. Unlike the muscle meats that are more commonly consumed, liver and other organ meats are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that offer a multitude of health benefits.

Many people today prefer muscle meats due to taste and texture, often overlooking the significant benefits of organ meats like liver. This shift can lead to missed opportunities for enhanced nutrition and more sustainable eating practices. Additionally, reliance on muscle meats alone can contribute to environmental degradation through increased demand for livestock farming.

In this article, we delve into the impressive benefits of eating liver, the role of beef liver supplements in managing nutrient intake, and the broader environmental and economic impacts of incorporating organ meats into your diet.


Nutritional and historical significance of beef liver

Throughout history, humans have practised nose-to-tail eating, consuming every part of the animal, including the organs. Today, however, we are more accustomed to eating just muscle meats, leading to the underutilisation and often waste of nutrient-dense bovine organs like the liver.

In the wild, alpha wolves get the first pick of the kill and instinctively go straight for the organ meats, particularly the liver, because it is the most nutritious part of the animal. This natural behaviour shows the superior nutritional value of organ meats compared to muscle meats.


Health benefits of eating liver or taking beef liver supplements

Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available, providing a significant amount of essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for maintaining health. The key benefits of beef liver include:

  • Rich in vitamins: Liver is a powerhouse of vitamins such as A, B12, and D, which support vision, immune function, bone health, energy production and overall metabolic health.
  • Protein: Liver is also packed with protein; a 3-ounce serving contains 17 grams, supporting muscle repair and growth.
  • Iron: High in heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body and essential for preventing anaemia and maintaining energy levels. A 3-ounce serving of beef liver provides about 4 milligrams of iron, which covers a significant portion of the daily requirement.
  • Folate: Important for DNA synthesis and repair, making it crucial for growth and development.
  • Copper: Helps with iron absorption, maintaining healthy bones, and supporting the nervous system.
  • Choline: Vital for brain health and liver function, helping to prevent liver disease and promote cognitive health.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Important for energy production and heart health.
  • Hormone regulation: Beef liver supplements contain essential nutrients like zinc that play a crucial role in hormone regulation. This can help promote hormonal balance, which impacts various aspects of health, from mood to skin condition.

While liver is highly nutritious, there are considerations to keep in mind. High vitamin A content can lead to toxicity if consumed in large amounts, particularly affecting vision and bone health. Additionally, consuming liver raw poses risks of foodborne illnesses, such as Salmonella and E. coli, which are best avoided by cooking the liver to the recommended internal temperature. Concerns about cholesterol and potential long-term health impacts, such as risks of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and bladder cancer, warrant moderation and balance in consumption. Beef liver supplements can provide a convenient way to access the benefits of liver without the need for frequent large servings. By adhering to recommended dosages, you can obtain essential nutrients in a controlled amount, reducing the risk of overconsumption.


Is beef liver good for weight loss?

Beef liver and beef liver supplements can support weight loss due to their high-quality protein and nutrient density. It's relatively low in calories compared to other protein sources, helping you get essential nutrients without excess calories. Rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B12, and iron, beef liver supports overall health and energy levels, enhancing metabolism and appetite control.


Are beef liver supplements a good source of iron?

Beef liver supplements are a great source of iron due to their high content of heme iron. Heme iron, which is derived from animal sources, is more easily absorbed by the body compared to non-heme iron found in plant-based foods. This makes beef liver an effective supplement if you need to boost your iron intake.

In addition to iron, beef liver supplements are packed with other essential nutrients. These include vitamins A, C, B12 and folate, as well as minerals like magnesium and zinc. These nutrients collectively support the production of healthy red blood cells, which is crucial for addressing anaemia and improving energy levels. The presence of these vitamins and minerals also helps to improve the overall effectiveness of the iron in the body. If you experience gastrointestinal issues with traditional iron supplements, eating beef liver or taking beef liver supplements might be a more tolerable option.


Does beef liver boost testosterone?

Beef liver can help boost testosterone levels due to its rich nutrient content. It provides vitamin D, which supports testosterone production, and magnesium, which helps the body use testosterone more effectively. Zinc, also found in beef liver, is important for making testosterone.

While beef liver offers these benefits, it’s best to eat it in moderation. Too much red meat can have negative health effects, including potentially lowering testosterone levels.


Does beef liver help hair growth?

The short answer is yes, beef liver can help with hair growth. It provides zinc, which helps regulate the hair growth cycle and supports the repair and function of hair follicles. It also contains iron, which is crucial for delivering oxygen to hair cells, promoting healthy hair growth. Additionally, selenium in beef liver plays a role in maintaining hair health and preventing hair loss. Beef liver also helps with overall hormone balance, which can indirectly influence hair growth. Including beef liver in your diet or using it in supplements can supply these vital nutrients, potentially enhancing hair health and growth.


Why consider beef liver supplements?

Beef liver supplements are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and potent nutritional benefits. They offer a practical alternative for individuals who might not enjoy the taste or texture of liver.

Supplements provide an easy way to incorporate the benefits of liver into your routine without needing to prepare and cook the organ meat regularly. This can be especially useful for those with busy lifestyles.

Choosing high-quality supplements sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised animals ensures you receive the maximum nutritional benefits while avoiding potential contaminants.


Environmental impact of eating liver

Incorporating liver and other organ meats into your diet can also have positive environmental implications. Key environmental benefits include:

  • Reduces food waste: Utilising the entire animal, including organs, ensures that fewer parts go to waste, promoting a more sustainable approach to meat consumption.
  • Lower carbon footprint: Organ meats are often a byproduct of the meat industry; consuming them can reduce the demand for additional livestock farming.
  • Sustainable practices: Encourages farming practices that make use of the whole animal, supporting the concept of nose-to-tail eating.

The source of the liver can impact its nutritional profile. Studies indicate that liver from grass-fed cattle contains higher levels of beneficial phytonutrients and omega-3 fatty acids compared to grain-fed liver. Grass-fed liver may also have less antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Although “grass-fed” doesn’t guarantee the absence of antibiotics or hormones, it often represents a higher quality product.


Economic benefits of eating liver

Eating liver can be economically beneficial as well. Organ meats are often more affordable compared to muscle meats, making them a cost-effective option for obtaining high-quality nutrition. Additionally, supporting local farms that practise sustainable and ethical farming methods contributes to the local economy and helps maintain these valuable agricultural practices.


When should you take beef liver supplements?

Beef liver supplements can be taken at any time of day and with or without food, as they are versatile in their usage. However, taking them in the morning or early afternoon is often recommended to maximise their benefits, such as boosting energy levels throughout the day. While there’s flexibility in timing, paying attention to how your body responds can help you determine the best time for your personal routine.


Find liver and other organ meats with the Organised app

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